If you can dream it, you can do it.
/Walt Disney/

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bargello Blanket! Ta-Dah!

Bargello Blanket Ta-dah! 4

The Bargello Blanket is finished! The most of yarn colours are used up, so I have a beautiful soft and cozy baby blanket. Its size is 84cm square and it finished with a simple border in two sc rounds (Candy Floss + Sherbet). I was working the second round in back loops only. I have used 450g of yarn, it was Stylecraft Special DK, blend of acrylic and cotton(27%).
I enjoyed the process, it was easy to crochet this blanket and I'm very happy with the result! A big Thanks to Lena for the opportunity to create this miracle! The blanket likely will be added to my ETSY shop. Here you can see a last gallery of others Bargello.
Now I can continue to crochet a blanket for my oldest daughter, there is left to be done the border only.
I would choose white, but then I thought that Anastasia will choose her favourite pink colour. But my daughter's choice for the border colour is Citron!
So be it! :) Here is a little sneak peek of first border round.
The Snowflake Garland that you see at the last picture goes to Oksana within the Christmas Gift Exchange. Take a look at her blog Oksana+Hobbies, you will not be disappointed, Oksana is a big fashionista and a very creative person.
Have a wonderful day!

Bargello Blanket Ta-dah! 1

Мой совместный проект закончился на 3м этапе... Жаль, что так быстро. А всё потому, что закончилось большинство цветов, остались Magenta, лимонный, Candy Floss и Sherbet, и то, только на один ряд, а то и меньше, так что, мой пледик готов! Его размер - 84 см квадрат. Ушло 450 гр. Напомню что я вязала крючком 5,5 мм, а ниточки - смесь акрила и хлопка(27%), 260м/100гр.

Bargello Blanket Ta-dah! 2

Для обвязки я сделала два ряда (Candy Floss + Sherbet) простыми столбиками, причем во 2м ряду столбики вязала за заднюю стенку.

Bargello Blanket Ta-dah! 3

Я получила огромное удовольствие от процесса, вязать было легко, и я очень довольна результатом! Плед оооочень мягкий, толстенький и уютный. Спасибо Лене за предоставленную возможность связать это чудо! Пледик, скорее всего, отправится в мой магазинчик, так как никакого знакомого новорожденного бэбика у меня на примете нет...

Bargello Blanket Ta-dah! 5

Совместный проект закончился, и я продолжаю довязывать плед для старшей дочки, ей  9  лет. Когда пришла очередь для обвязки края, сама я хотела сделать край белым цветом, но думала, что Настя захочет розовый(это ее любимый цвет), а она выбрала - лимонный. Так тому и быть! Хотите подсмотреть? Вот первый ряд обвязки...

Colour Rush Blanket the border wip

А ниже - "снежинковая" гирлянда связанная мною в подарок. Ниточки - Patons DK 100% хлопок.

Snowflake Garland

Так получается, что я подпольно участвую в Обмене  Новогодними Подарками, хотя и не писала письмо Санте, как того требуют правила. Снежинки, связанные по этому описанию, отправляются к Оксане, загляните в ее чудесный блог Oksana+Hobbies, не пожалеете! Оксана - мастерица на все руки, и к тому же - модница!

Всем хорошего настроения! 

I'm linking to
Hookin On Hump Day #59 at My Merry Messy Life
Link Your Stuff! and here at Annemarie's Haakblog
Thursday Weekly Creative and Features {11/21} at Craftionary
Busy Fingers Showing Off #23 at Busy Fingers, Busy Life

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bargello! wip 2

Bargello wip 2

I'm taking part in Crochet-a-Long. We are crocheting a beautiful Bargello pattern (Ravelry link). Each Friday we have to add a link of the progress of our projects to designer's blog Step to Fly. And here you can see the link party after first week CAL was launched. Today I want to show you my progress. (My blanket on Ravelry) I love the result! Forgot to tell you, it will be a baby blanket. I hope there will be enough yarn in my stash to finish the blanket. As it is a stash buster project I don't want to buy more yarn for this. The yarn is Stylecraft Summer Breeze DK, it's a blend of cotton and acrylic fiber and it's such a soft and light yarn.
Sometimes in the morning is frost, so I took a nice picture of the nice November weather.
Take care of each other...

Bargello wip 2

Ну все же я взяла крючок 5,5мм, вяжу... Довольна! Вязать очень легко и так красиво получается. Полотно такое мягонькое.... мммм.... Правда после 8го цветовой полосы мой плед пошел небольшими волнами, поэтому в тех рядах, где мы в углу вяжем по две "ракушки" (это 3й, 7й, 11й и т.д. каждый 4й ряд), я убрала по одному ст/н из каждой ракушки. То есть я вяжу так: (2 ст/н, вп, 1 ст/н) первая "ракушка" готова, вп, (1 ст/н, вп, 2 ст/н) вторая "ракушка". На фото ниже я показала свой новый угол.

Bargello wip 2

Ну и полотно расправилось, хотя все равно имеет тенденцию волниться... Ни слова ранее не сказала про планы. А план мой таков: вязать каждый день минимум 45 минут. Да-да, сижу с таймером. Сейчас в 45 мин еле-еле укладывается два цветовых ряда. Я бы вязала и дольше, но у меня на ходу еще куча начатых проектов, которые тоже хочется повязать.
На следующем фото - на пледе лежит малинка, которая все еще висит у нас в саду на кустах, и последнее яблочко, сорванное с дерева.

Bargello wip 2

А вот так выглядит моя изнанка, ниточки я отрезаю после каждой смены цвета. Заправлять хвостики всё откладываю на потом, не очень люблю это дело. Можно их заправлять по ходу работы, но так как вязание - это праздник, а прятание(такое слово есть?) хвостиков - это работа, то я - за праздник каждый день :)

Bargello wip 2

А фото ниже получилось одним морозным утром на этой неделе, когда мы с дочкой шли в садик. По утрам все чаще и чаще - небольшой мороз.

morning in Ireland in November

Берегите друг друга!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Colourful Blankets wip

The colourful blanket for my oldest daughter is growing very fast during the last few weeks.  Now I know the size which I want for this blanket, it should be 130*160cm so I have to crochet only 20 rounds approximately and then a border.

Another one project I've started. It's a diagonal granny stitch blanket in three colours. It will be in my Etsy shop when will be finished. 

Take care of each other...
Yours Olga

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Вяжем Барджелло! wip 1

Bargello Blanket wip1
А я записалась в совместник. Будем вязать чудесное (или - чудесный?) Барджелло! Автор этого чуда - Лена.
Я буду вязать детский пледик, размером около 90 см квадрат, ну, или насколько хватит ниток.  :)  Без конца любуюсь на Ленин плед... на то, как там петельки красиво лежат... как гусенички...
Ниточки я выбрала Stylecraft Summer Breeze, это смесь из 73% акрила и 27% хлопка. Ниточка легкая и приятная на ощупь, мягкая. Крючок 4мм рекомендуют, но я взяла 5мм, чтобы посвободнее было. 

Stylecraft Summer Breeze for Bargello Blanket

Я уже связала образец. Мне нравится сочетание цветов, но не видно совсем  воздушных цепочек-гусеничек... Так же осталась недовольна плотностью - хочу еще посвободнее. Значит, возьму крючок 5.5мм, а может даже и 6! Что касается самого процесса вязания, то вначале было трудновато понять узор, но потом сообразила, и дело пошло быстрее. А ведь это немаловажно - скорость вязания :) Ведь пока вяжешь одно изделие, в голове на очереди уже пять новых толпятся. А у вас - так же?
Хочу еще отметить, что я по-другому соединяю петли в конце ряда. Я делаю соединительный столбик не в третью воздушную петельку начальной цепочки, а в первый столбик с накидом, минуя эту цепочку. Сильно не затягиваю - получается, что петелька соединительного столбика как-бы является верхушкой начальной цепочки. (как же трудно объяснять...) А сейчас я сяду вязать новый образец, а вы пока посмотрИте на одну из огромных тыков, которые съезжаются из разных стран Европы в наш город на ежегодный Тыквенный Фестиваль (Virginia Pumpkin Festival) в конце октября. 

Virginia Pumpkin Festival 2013
Это моя старшая дочка Анастасия, мы с ней ходили на разведку с утра, пока еще ничего не готово к празднику.

Всем хорошего настроения, 
и цените друг друга, пожалуйста....


Friday, October 11, 2013

Autumn Cowl

Just short post to show you my new autumn cowl which is finally finished.

Autumn Cowl

15 of October 2013 edited to add happy me on the picture:

Autumn Mosaic Cowl

I've used the block stitch (or mosaic stitch) pattern which I like very much, it's like a granny stitch but the crocheted item turning out more airy and flexible. The yarn is Noro Silk Garden Lite which I've bought a month ago. I spend 200 g of the yarn and I still have 100 g for crocheting something else, it might be mittens or a hat...

Also I was busy crocheting hats and headbands trying new patterns:

Avalanche Beanie

Tangled Headwrap

Have a sunny day and take care of each other!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How Little is Necessary for Happiness

I can not be silent...
Just a short post to show you my new luxury yarn received yesterday. It's Noro Silk Garden Lite. I dreamed of some sort of Noro yarn for a long time. Now I'm a happy owner of six balls of it.

Noro Silk Garden Lite

Of course I'll use this lovely yarn for crocheting something for me. It will be a cowl.

Noro Silk Garden Lite cowl wip

At the moment I frogged this rows and now I'm crocheting chain rows using plain black wool.
Another one thing that made me more happiest today is first issue received of Simply Crochet Magazine on which I subscribed for the first time. Hooray! Do you see a small present I got along with the magazine - pack of big wooden buttons!

Simply Crochet

Night-night... I'm going to enjoy reading my new magazine  :)

Take care of yourself  and your loved ones!

Friday, September 6, 2013

A New Blanket WIP

Work In Progress

One day I was enjoying the Pinterest crochet colourful world and my oldest daughter saw one so pretty blanket and asked me to crochet the same for her. I always happy to work with bright and yummy colours, so I picked the colours at the same second and started to crochet. So... I stole the colour palette... again... 


I started with two granny squares(6 rounds each) joined together in a rectangle, then I was working with simple granny stitch and after 9 rounds made I decided to add one strip of small squares. A little note: I'm turning my work after each round made while crocheting granny stitch rounds. 

* * *

Have you noticed that the Halloween is coming very very soon? Have you already started to prepare for this holiday?
 In my shop I have two new items for the Halloween.

See you soon with the updates about the blanket and my other projects!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bright Diagonals Baby Blanket

Today I want to show you this blanket crocheted in traditional granny stitch but in diagonal way. It is easy to work and aah... so lovely result, isn't it? The colour inspiration came to me from this Ripple Blanket. Thanks Sher! ♡

For the main colour I took Dune (Big Value by King Cole). From the bottom left corner to the top right corner of the picture above the colours are: Turquoise, Apple, Sunshine, Candy, Matador, Plum. These all are Stylecraft Special, except of Robin for Apple and Patons FAB for Candy. All yarn are acrylic in DK weight. The hook I've crocheted with is 5mm. Last time I don't use the 4mm hook for that weight yarn. With a larger hook the blanket turns out more loose and airy. I like it! As well it's more quickly then with a smaller hook  :)

For the border I made 3 rounds:
Rnd 1::  3dc in each ch3-space; for the corner - 3dc, ch2, 3dc.
Rnd 2:: (dc, ch, dc) in each space betwee the 3dc groups; in corner space - dc, ch, dc, ch2, dc, ch,dc.
Rnd 3:: 6dc in the corner, (sc in next ch-space, 5dc in next ch-space) - repeat.

My sister ordered me this blanket to make a present for her friend's baby.
Click here to find the pattern
 how to crochet the granny diagonals (corner start granny square).

See you soon!
Have a wonderful day!

Link parties:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lacy Baktus

Although I had to frog more then half of the work done, the baktus is finished quickly and ready to wear. While I was knitting it I didn't know for whom it will be. Then after finishing  given the not too big size of the baktus I decided to present it for my daughter. She is happy wearing it.

The size is 104cm in length and 24cm in high without of the fringes. Spent almost 100 g of the yarn. It's Patons Smoothie DK.

The pattern of the baktus you can find here  and on Ravelry.
Have a wonderful day!
Yours Olga

Link Parties:
The Crochet Boulevard
Crafty Confessions 
My Merry Messy Life
One Artsy Mama
Busy Fingers, Busy Life
Annemarie's Haakblog

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lacy Baktus wip

Lacy Baktus wip

Sometimes I'm knitting. So now it is time to knit lacy baktus scarf. I had one ball of variegated yarn and I've decided to make a one-ball-project. This yarn is so soft, I would never said that it is acrylic, but it is. Patons Smoothie DK and 3,5mm knitting needles. About the baktus scarf. It is a triangular scarf knitted in the garter stitch. It could be worn either for women and men, even for kids. I've started with 4 stitches and I make increasing by one stitch at the only one edge in every 8th row. I'm making increasing until I will spent a half of a ball of my yarn. I just weigh my ball time to time while I'm knitting untill I will see the half of the initial weight of the ball. So when I see it I'm starting to decrease one stitch in every 8th row on the same edge of the scarf where increasing was.
You can see all my baktus scarves I made before here.
     Have a wonderful day!
              Yours Olga                 
P.S. It's my first time I'm writing from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, which I received for my BD.

Added a few hours later: I found a big mistake while I was knitting the scarf at the evening. I had to make increase(and then decrease as well) in every 4th row instead of 8th, as I said. So I had to redo most of what was made. Kisses....

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Magic Baby Blanket. WIP

After I've finished one of my most significant projects such as the Fairy Tale Tablecloth (see my last post) I
must continue to crochet one of my five WIPs. So now I'm working on a baby blanket in a block stitch pattern which I wanted to try a while ago. I love the pattern to work with. Also, the result is so nice - the blanket turns out soft and thinner, and more flexible than a simple granny stitch. The yarn is Magi-knit Baby DK by James C.Brett.

Have a wonderful week!

P.S. It's the first time I'm writing from my Samsung Galaxy. 

Todays Party:

Busy Fingers, Busy Life

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

White Fairy Tale Tablecloth

White Fairy Tale Tablecloth as a Shawl

Oh my Goodness! This is not a tablecloth! It's something beautiful... wonderful... great... awesome... stunning... excellent... outstanding... overwhelming... I know... I know... I'm not very modest... But I soooooooo love the finished tablecloth which I made for my Mom who is living far away from me. I also want the same or similar item! But I'm not sure I would ever do something like that again... I was crocheting it since last August, it's almost a year. Here and here you have seen the progress. It took more than an hour to crochet last round, which length is approximately... I have to measure... Done! It's 5,7 metres in circumference.

White Fairy Tale Tablecloth

Fringe... At the beginning I wasn't thinking about the fringe, but when I finished the border I thought that it would be better with this. So I hung 464 fringes(I can't believe) which weight was 245gr of yarn. For the each fringe I've cut 4 strands of the yarn, it's 735 metres in total.
 :) I love statistics!
The total weight of the tablecloth is  745g.
The diameter is 170cm(140cm without of fringes).
Various Acrylic DK white yarn and a 4mm hook.

White Fairy Tale Tablecloth the Border

I would love to take a picture of the tablecloth covering the round table, but I have not this. So looking forward my Mom will take the picture, she has a round table surely.
Oh, I forgot the most important thing: this is not only tablecloth - it also can be worn a shawl! Yes! It looks great dressed on me! Isn't it?

I don't know where I had found the graphic chart, it was a while ago. I'm just posting these two pictures and I apologize if I'm violating someone's rights.

graphic chart part I
Part I
graphic chart part II
Part II

I made 43 rounds only, then I've added 3 rounds of chain web(ch 5, sc, etc...) and then this border:

the border

But in 7th round instead of 1 dc and picot, I worked (1 dc, picot, 1 dc) in ch-2-space of previous round. And the very last round I came up with a ch 5 and sc in between the group of (1dc, picot, 1 dc). And then the fringes very easy goes in ch 5 space! 
I'm so glad I finished this project!

I wish you to have a wonderful day!
Hug you

Todays Party at:
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